I’ve compiled this list for another purpose and thought it might be useful to share here.
The following are publications I can find* from UK corresponding authors on chemistry education research, practice, and laboratory work relevant to HE since beginning of 2015. There are lots of interesting finds and useful articles. Most are laboratory experiments and activities, Some refer to teaching practice or underlying principles.
I don’t imagine this is a fully comprehensive list, so do let me know what’s missing. It’s in approximate chronological order from beginning of 2015.
- Surrey (Lygo-Baker): Teaching polymer chemistry
- Reading (Strohfeldt): PBL medicinal chemistry practical
- Astra Zeneca and Huddersfield (Hill and Sweeney): A flow chart for reaction work up
- Bath (Chew): Lab experiment: coffee grounds to biodiesel
- Nottingham (Galloway): PeerWise for revision
- Hertfordshire (Fergus): Context examples of recreational drugs for spectroscopy and introductory organic chemistry
- Overton (was Hull): Dynamic problem based learning
- Durham (Hurst, now at York): Lab Experiment: Rheology of PVA gels
- Reading (Cranwell): Lab experiment: Songoshira reaction
- Edinburgh (Seery): Flipped chemistry trial
- Oaklands (Smith): Synthesis of fullerenes from graphite
- Manchester (O’Malley): Virtual labs for physical chemistry MOOC
- Edinburgh (Seery): Review of flipped lectures in HE chemistry
- Manchester (Wong): Lab experiment: Paterno-Buchi and kinetics
- Southampton (Coles): Electronic lab notebooks in upper level undergraduate lab
- UCL (Tomaszewski): Information literacy, searching
- St Andrews & Glasgow (Smellie): Lab experiment: Solvent extraction of copper
- Imperial (Rzepa): Lab experiment: Assymetric epoxidation in the lab and molecular modelling; electronic lab notebooks
- Reading (Cranwell): Lab experiment: Wolff Kishner reaction
- Imperial (Rzepa): Using crystal structure databases
- Leeds (Mistry): Inquiry based organic lab in first year – students design work up
- Manchester (Turner): Molecular modelling activity
- Imperial (Haslam & Brechtelsbauer): Lab experiment: vapour pressure with an isosteniscope
- Imperial (Parkes): Making a battery from household products
- Durham (Bruce and Robson): A corpus for writing chemistry
- Who will it be…?!
*For those interested, the Web of Science search details are reproduced below. Results were filtered to remove non-UK papers, conference proceedings and editorials.
ADDRESS:((united kingdom OR UK OR Scotland OR Wales OR England OR (Northern Ireland))) AND TOPIC: (chemistry)AND YEAR PUBLISHED: (2016 or 2015)