Methods in Chemistry Education Research #micer16 Burlington House, 20th May 2016, 11 – 4 pm This one day conference is being organised in response to a growing demand and interest in chemistry education research in the UK. The meeting will focus in particular on methods; the practicalities of how to do chemistry education research. Invited speakers with experience of completing and publishing discipline-based education research will give talks on particular methods, relating the methods to a theoretical framework, the research question, and discussing the practicalities of gathering data. Approaches to publication will be outlined. Each speaker will be followed by…
Tag: conference
Eurovariety in Chemistry Education 2015
Registration is now open for the 2015 Eurovariety in Chemistry Education meeting, being held in Tartu, Estonia from June 30th to July 2nd. Dates on the conference website are currently listed as: Registration opens: February,1 Submission of abstracts opens: February 1, ends March 15 Acceptance of the papers: April 15 Conference Website:
Variety in Chemistry Education Meeting, 2012
Variety in Chemistry Education is one of my favourite conferences which I attend annually (2010 and 2011 reports here). This year’s meeting was held along with the Physics Higher Education Conference, providing the catchy Twitter hashtag #vicephec. The meeting was opened with a keynote by Prof Martyn Poliakoff, inorganic chemist from Nottingham, but better known to 102,403 YouTube subscribers as the star of the Periodic Table of Videos series, which have been viewed over 25,243,185 times. Prof Poliakoff received the 2011 RSC Nyholm Prize—awarded every other year for Education. He spoke about the development of the videos, working with video…
8th Irish Variety in Chemistry Teaching Meeting
DIT played host to the 8th Irish Variety in Chemistry Teaching meeting, modelled on the very successful UK Variety in Chemistry Education (ViCE) meeting on Thursday May 10th. There was a workshop in the morning covering two aspects of technology in chemistry teaching; using wikis, by Claire McDonnell, who demonstrated how to set up, edit and modify a wiki, along with highlighting the advantages of a wiki for monitoring group work – the ability to be able to track who did what and when. Claire identified this as the most useful aspect of wikis from her perspective in teaching. My…
Pre-Lecture Resources Webinar 26 Jan 2011
I’ll be giving a webinar as part of the fantastic Sligo IT webinar series this Wednesday at lunchtime. You can register and find out more here: The webinar will cover some of the work I’ve done on my Teaching Fellowship on the area of pre-lecture resources. It’ll be my first webinar – I’m quite nervous about it, but looking forward to the instant interaction of the audience as I give the talk! Abstract: This presentation will outline the use of online pre-lecture resources to supporting in-lecture material. The design rationale is to develop a cyclical approach between online resources and lectures,…
BCCE Day 1
Some thoughts from BCCE Day 1 – including environmental pbl study, lab assessment methods, part 2; research awareness following innovations in lab teaching; cognition studies, using videos of students and developing models if students’ conceptions of acid strength; part 3 – students problems with molarity in chemistry. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3: